The Koch Foundation was established in February 1979, by Carl and Paula Koch. Carl Koch believed he was “just a steward of the finances given by God to use on His behalf.” This belief inspired the commitment he and his wife made to establish the Foundation. The Koch Foundation continues to fulfill Carl Koch’s belief of supporting evangelization of the Catholic faith worldwide.

Welcome to The Koch Foundation

Our mission is built on Carl and Paula Koch’s vision to strengthen and propagate the Roman Catholic faith by providing grant support for a wide variety of evangelization efforts.

The Koch Foundation is international in scope with no geographical preference. In considering applications, the Board of Directors places major emphasis on sound but financially needy evangelization programs.

To those who feel powerless, who, like St. Thérèse could not perform great works or deeds, it serves as a reminder that little things - a flower, a smile, a sacrifice - are what keeps the Kingdom of God growing.